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“Viano’ was my first ever attempt at developing a website from scratch using HMTL, CSS, and Javascript. The prompt that inspired “Viano” was to create a simple website meant to teach users a new skill.

As a pianist who is often posed the question “How do I start learning?”, I took the chance to make a very simple, straight-forward site to demonstrate how easy it really is to pick up the piano. Mastering it is another thing, but it doesn’t take long to at least get the basics down, which this site aimed to explain in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Utilizing my own graphics and an external javascript keyboard embedded throughout the site, users are walked through the bare minimum in music theory and encouraged to start playing simple melodies and harmonies right away with that basic knowledge in mind.

In testing and review of this project, the site (which was never hosted but presented locally) was well received and withstood its trial by fire; a completely unfamiliar user went through the various guidelines and pages I created and happily came away with the knowledge of how to play Yankee Doodle on a piano.